Tech & Digital Empowerment

5 digital trends that will transform connectivity, messaging and business

Keeping up with digital transformations has become essential for everyone

Thankfully, Mobile World Congress 2023 has lent us a great lens to evaluate the innovations — five major tech trends that are impacting the mobile industry and the solutions it produces: 5G acceleration, Fintech, OpenNet, Reality+, and Digital Everything.

Adaptability is going to be crucial for brands to establish and maintain a connection with their audience, and that includes being ready to take advantage of these trends. In fact, for many companies, understanding and using them before they become commonplace may be just the edge they need to stand out from competition.

1. 5G acceleration

5G acceleration is a game-changer that offers lower latency, faster speeds, and better connectivity for mobile devices. It has the potential to enable the development of new technologies or supercharge the application of existing ones: Internet of Things, virtual and augmented reality, autonomous vehicles, and even things like remote surgery. As a result, the acceleration of 5G bodes an entire new era of connectivity that would transform the way we live, work, and communicate.

2. FinTech

FinTech is revolutionizing the way people, as well as companies, handle their finances. It offers safer, more efficient, convenient, and cost-effective solutions for the lifeblood of any economy: commerce.

The possibilities created by fintech are many: from mobile payment systems like our own award-winning solution or online lending platforms like Prosper, to robo-advisors providing financial recommendations. Consider how crowdfunding platforms, from Patreon to Kickstarter, transform the entire landscape of entrepreneurship, change the odds for new ventures, and more.

When one looks at the implications of any of the recent fintech developments, it becomes abundantly clear: keeping up with the pace of innovation and being ready to utilize new tech is not just an advantage — it’s a survival skill.

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3. OpenNet

OpenNet, the use of open standards that facilitates exchange of expertise and collaboration among companies, can be an excellent catalyst for innovation and adaptability. It is already benefiting many technologies including IoT, 5G, edge, and cloud.

As a messaging app, we know the value of open communication and collaboration with partners and clients, as it enables the creation of new and innovative solutions that benefit everyone. Competition has long been the driver behind innovations, spurring process optimization and demanding creative approaches. Today, free exchange of expertise is fueling a lot of cutting-edge technologies. Collaboration can indeed become the leap that would take the mobile ecosystem to a new level.

4. Reality+

What has traditionally been reserved for creative sci-fi is swiftly turning into our day-to-day reality: Reality+.

Reality+ is the blending of the physical world with virtual elements, using technologies such as mixed reality (MR), augmented reality (AR), and extended reality (XR) to seamlessly integrate the real world and digital environments. Not to be confused with VR (virtual reality) that immerses users entirely in the virtual world, Reality+ enhances the real world with digital elements.

Consumers are already inhabiting a “phygital” space, expecting to seamlessly blend their online and in-store experiences. As the boundaries of “reality” continue to shift, so will the customer journeys and expectations. Brands need to be ready for this new frontier and prepare to build their customers’ journey through the physical world — and beyond.

What could the practical applications be? In physical stores, Reality+ features could provide customers with additional information about the products, without cluttering the space. For online shoppers, it could help picture a piece of furniture in their own home and see if it matches. Tools like AR Lenses can help those shopping for makeup or jewelry to “try them on” from the comfort of their homes. For brands, in turn, Reality+ promises excellent brand-building tools and improved customer experience.

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5. Digital everything

Having “digital” in addition to – if not instead of – the physical has become the norm for most facets and activities in our lives.

For businesses, Digital Everything is a trend that involves the use of technology to optimize every process and create maximum efficiency. Companies need to establish meaningful, relevant, and timely connections with their audiences across multiple channels, including mobile, to maintain a personal connection. Digital innovations can help achieve all these goals better, faster, with more accuracy, and convenience. From streamlining various tasks to cut costs and time to improving decision-making thanks to data-driven insights.


What do these trends mean for telecom and connectivity, how do they influence the development strategies of the major players in the messaging world?

5G and other technologies will enable better, faster connections, making always-on connectivity the default. As a result, more IoT devices will be developed, making both personal and professional processes more efficient and automated.

For messaging and customer communication, one must keep track of automation progress and be ready to use it. Conversations between brands and customers will become more personalized and relevant with chatbots. In addition, the integration of messaging with Reality+ technologies is redefining how we experience immersive environments.

In the world of accelerated innovation, using the newest tech to do everything better is not just an advantage that’s nice to have — it’s what sinks the bottom lines of companies too slow to adapt and lets the fast-learners soar above competition. We work not only to make use of the trends ourselves, but also to create solutions that enable other businesses to keep up with — and be ahead of the curve.

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