Change Makers

Cities Alive: Designing Cities That Work for Women

Cities act as pivotal hubs of innovation, productivity, opportunities, while serving as homes and communities for a melting pot of individuals and cultures. However, when planned without social equity and diversity in mind, urbanization can widen the gaps between different groups in society.

Among the most vulnerable are women all ages and gender identities in both wealthy and socio-economically disadvantaged urban contexts across the globe. Without a gender-responsive approach to urban planning, cities often compound gender inequalities that restrict women’s social and economic opportunities, health and wellbeing, sense of safety and security, and access to justice and equity.

Designing cities that work for women creates wider social, economic, and environmental benefits, along with safer, healthier, and more inclusive spaces, not just for women but for entire households and communities and is integral to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development across urban areas around the world.

This report, by Arup, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the University of Liverpool, offers a novel approach and a clear methodology to directly engage women in decision-making processes, incorporating their needs, concerns, and ideas across all aspects of urban planning and development. It also provides actionable recommendations for all urban practitioners, government authorities, and communities alike, with real-world case studies to illustrate how cities can be designed in a gender-inclusive way.

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