Education & Skill Building

Female teachers urged to be advocates in learning

Three-hundred female teachers in the National Capital District have been told to become powerful advocates for lifelong learning in PNG.

The teachers gathered to observe the National Women’s Day celebrated every March 24, last year.

Every year for PNG, the day is celebrated on a low note but teachers in both primary schools and secondary schools in the nation’s capital gathered at Gordon Secondary school to observe the day last week.

Executives of PNG Teachers Association also were present to encourage the teachers.

PNG Teachers Association general secretary Ugwalubu Mowana said any issues and challenges are there for our women.

“As you celebrate National Women’s Day, be determined to earn your places in the society to be reckoned with not only as partners in various capacities but leader with distinguish abilities,” he said.

Mr Mowana said education developments in recent years indicated very progressive statistics on girls’ enrolment in schools, likewise retention on girls completing basic education. He reminded that SDG 5 of UN goals deals with “gender” equality: SDG 4 on quality education was interconnected with SDG 5 on gender equality.

“Teacher women are called on to seize good opportunities on access in education to progress in our society. Women teachers are well positioned to drive inclusive and quality education to balance disparities on gender participation in our society, starting in the classrooms.

“Start changing the mindsets of boys and girls to function equitably in the opportunities provided by our government in education,” he told the teachers.

Women at the gathering noted that:

 More girls are required to enroll into our schools and continue to complete their basic education;

 More scholarships available for women and girls to go and attain specialist training on various fields overseas and within the industries;

 Encourage workplace capacity for women workers;

 More leadership training for women in the workplaces. Provision of a “quota” for women to higher learning institutions, including universities:

 Improve women scholarships for tertiary studies overseas; and

 Nominate women to take up managerial positions in the private sector.

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