Innovators & Creators

IBM’s Catherine Lian Wins Prestigious Women in Tech Award, Amplifying IBM’s Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

In a remarkable demonstration of leadership and dedication to progressing gender diversity in the technology domain, Catherine Lian, the Managing Director of IBM Malaysia (centre in pic), has been honoured with the Women in Tech Award for the private sector and NGOs at the prestigious World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) Global Innovation and Tech Excellence Awards 2023.

This accolade not only underscores her individual achievements and unwavering commitment to fostering inclusion within the industry but also casts a spotlight on IBM’s global impact in advancing the diversity and inclusion agenda.

During the ceremony, held amid the luminous discussions and unveilings of the 27th World Congress on Information Technology and the 6th International Digital Economy Conference Sarawak (WCIT|IDECS) 2023, Catherine expressed profound humility and honour in receiving the award.

Competing against a formidable cadre of female executives from across the globe, she dedicated the award to “all the leaders who have been walking on the journey to drive women inclusion in the technology industry across the world.”

Her triumph is a testament to the resilient spirit and continuous efforts of women in the tech industry to break barriers and forge a path for increased representation and inclusivity.

The WITSA Global Innovation and Tech Excellence Awards, announced by its Chairman Dr Sean Seah (on Catherine’s right in pic, on her left is PIKOM Chairman Ong Chin Seong), unveiled 38 awardees spanning four continents, highlighting the global reach and impact of the accolades.

The awards uniquely position themselves in the tech industry by acknowledging and uplifting individuals and organisations that delve deep into the roots of innovation. WITSA, encompassing a consortium of ICT industry associations from over 80 countries, continues to be a pillar, advocating for technological excellence and innovative progress on a global scale.

At its end, IBM has been invariably associated with initiatives driving diversity and inclusion, and Catherine’s achievement magnifies this association on a global stage.

Her victory further establishes IBM’s leadership in this field on the world map, signalling its robust strategy and tangible actions towards implementing a thorough diversity and inclusion agenda.

In an industry often critiqued for its gender disparities, the recognition of female leaders such as Catherine heralds a vital step towards a more inclusive and equal future, demonstrating that with steadfast determination, the tides of diversity in the tech industry are indeed changing.

The WITSA awards also spotlighted various other organisations and individuals, each contributing uniquely to the technological and innovative landscape.

With recipients ranging from the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) from the United States to Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad, the awards underscored the multifaceted nature of technological advancements, spanning cybersecurity, digital transformation, and advancements of local digital economies.

Catherine’s achievement at the WITSA awards signifies more than personal accomplishment; it exemplifies the pivotal role of women in steering the technology and innovation sectors towards a more inclusive future. Through her leadership at IBM Malaysia, Catherine continues to blaze a trail for women in technology, propelling forward the global discourse on gender diversity in the sector.

Catherine’s award serves not only as recognition but also as inspiration, as the industry collectively navigates the imperative journey toward genuine inclusivity and diversity.

Her achievement also seamlessly aligns with IBM’s intrinsic emphasis on diversity and inclusion, validating the spirit and culture that the corporation staunchly stands by.

“Inclusion is imperative for the health of our business and our society,” said Catherine, echoing a sentiment that IBM has institutionalised within its operational and organisational culture.

“This is not just about recognising and valuing individual differences but entails a commitment to pinpointing and dismantling barriers, thereby forging advancement opportunities in an equitable manner for all stakeholders – encompassing employees, suppliers, communities and extending to global dimensions.”

“IBM proactively propels real progress by embodying a role greater than a multinational technology company. Simply put, IBM sees ourselves as a catalyst for systemic change in the world, perpetually evolving its actions and behaviours to amplify inclusivity at every scale.”

Elucidating IBM’s vision for diversity and inclusion, the company nurtures a culture where conscious inclusion and active allyship prevail, enabling every IBMer to impart a positive societal impact while simultaneously being empowered to bring their authentic selves to the workplace.

“The vision is brought to life by harnessing a myriad of strategies, including the formation of a more diverse workforce, facilitating a flexible work environment, incubating an inclusive culture and staunchly advocating for equity both within and beyond IBM’s walls,” said Catherine.

Through these steadfast commitments and tangible actions, IBM, under the progressive leadership of leaders like Catherine Lian, brings to life a blueprint for corporations globally, demonstrating that the fusion of technology, innovation and an unwavering commitment to diversity and inclusion can indeed pave the way for meaningful, systemic change in the world.

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