Advocacy & Policy

Initiatives pursued by 20 most active county First Ladies

Since the inception of county governments in Kenya 11 years ago, the roles of County First Ladies have evolved significantly.

These influential women are not just ceremonial figures; they are dynamic leaders championing transformative initiatives, driving socio-economic development, and addressing pressing community issues with vigour and compassion.

From health advocacy to education and women’s empowerment, the First Ladies of Kenya’s counties are leaving an indelible mark on their communities.

Here, we highlight the remarkable contributions of the most active County First Ladies based on their public appearances, political activity, community initiatives, awards won, and other recognitions.

Dorothy Nyong’o, the First Lady of Kisumu County, is renowned for her health advocacy and unwavering support for women.

In 2021, she was honoured at the Woman of Magnitude Awards (WOMA) for her contributions to women’s empowerment.

Dorothy serves as the Managing Trustee of the Africa Cancer Foundation and, in 2021, was appointed as the Global Ambassador for the World Ovarian Cancer Coalition.

Nicknamed Kwamboka, May Arati, the First Lady of Kisii County, has gained popularity for her active political engagement and support for local communities, particularly women’s groups.

Despite her Chinese descent, May has learned and speaks the Ekegusii language fluently, endearing her to the people of Kisii.

Agnes Ochillo, the First Lady of Migori County, stands out for her extensive public activity.

Her social media presence is filled with photos from various events, including health forums and girl child support initiatives.

In a county marked by ethnic diversity, Agnes is also dedicated to fostering ethnic unity through her projects.

Prof Janet Kassily Barasa, the First Lady of Kakamega County, is a prominent political figure and health ambassador in her county.

Her public appearances are frequent, and she actively posts about her engagements on social media, showcasing her involvement in numerous events.

Ednah Lenku, the First Lady of Kajiado County, is a staunch advocate against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in a region where the practice is prevalent.

She tirelessly pushes for reforms to protect the girl child and improve their welfare.

Known affectionately as Mama Kayo, the First Lady of Marsabit County, Allamitu Jattani, is a fervent health advocate.

Her major campaigns include blood donation drives and educational initiatives, particularly focusing on the girl child.

Agnes Ntutu, the First Lady of Narok County, is on the frontline against FGM. Her priorities also include climate action, exemplified by her numerous tree-planting campaigns.

Scovia Chebet, the First Lady of West Pokot County, is dedicated to children’s welfare, gender equity, and women’s empowerment.

She has made significant public appearances within and outside her county, advocating for these causes.

Anita Mutula, the First Lady of Makueni County, is passionate about philanthropy and children’s education.

Through the Anita Mbinya Foundation, she supports various charitable initiatives and advocates for better educational facilities for children.

Lilian Ekamais, the First Lady of Turkana County, the largest county in Kenya by geographical size, focuses on children’s healthcare and support for single mothers and widows.

Her public appearances are notable, emphasizing her commitment to these causes.

Although maintaining a minimal public profile, Beatrice Sakaja, the First Lady of Nairobi County, occasionally appears at forums advocating for women’s agendas. She is an anti-FGM advocate, using her platform to push for women’s rights..

Dr. Emily Chesire, the First Lady of Baringo County, is a strong advocate for health issues. She maintains close ties with her fellow County First Ladies, despite her minimal social media presence.

Susanne Mung’aro, the First Lady of Kilifi County, has embraced Kenyan culture despite not being of Kenyan descent.

She actively participates in county activities, although her public appearances are limited.

Anne Wamatangi, the First Lady of Kiambu County, has a few public appearances but is engaged in women empowerment initiatives.

Betty Mutai, the First Lady of Kericho County, advocates for affordable healthcare, particularly cancer awareness.

Her public presence is significant, attending numerous county events.

Emily Nyaribo, the First Lady of Nyamira County, is a mental health wellness advocate. She uses her platform to raise awareness about mental health issues and promote well-being.

Selina Barchok, the First Lady of Bomet County, prioritises female health awareness. Although her public engagements are limited, she is actively involved in various initiatives.

Fiona Kiprotich, the First Lady of Elgeyo Marakwet County, has a minimal public presence but is dedicated to combating FGM and gender-based violence, prevalent issues in her county.

Sabina Mwadime, the First Lady of Taita Taveta County, is proactive in promoting health access and food safety, especially for children.

She has a fair share of public appearances, advocating for these issues.

Grace Wakahora, the First Lady of Laikipia County, champions a safe digital environment for children. She occasionally appears at public events to promote this cause.

Other county First Ladies that do not appear in the limelight include Madina Ali Issack of Mandera County, Habiba Galgalo, Isiolo, Mary Kang’ata of Murang’a, Salina Samoei of Uasin Gishu, Lilian Natembeya of Transzoia, Beverlyne Leleit of Samburu and Margaret Makelo of Bungoma.

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