Leadership & Mentorship

It’s time to apply for Poynter’s 2024 Leadership Academy for Women in Media. Here’s an FAQ for applicants.

The Poynter Leadership Academy for Women in Media has transformed the careers of more than 550 women in news media and tech. Applications for the 2024 program are open now until Sept. 8, 2023.

There will be three separate classes for Poynter’s 2024 program, set for March 18-22, May 20-24 and Sept. 23-27 at Poynter’s campus in St. Petersburg, Florida. There will be one application to seat all 2024 classes.

What are the important dates in the application and selection process?

  • Applications open: Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2023
  • Applications close: Friday, Sept. 8,  2023
  • Selected applicants notified: November 2023
  • Cohort 1: March 18-22, 2024
  • Cohort 2: May 20-24, 2024
  • Cohort 3: Sept. 23-27, 2024

Can I pick which cohort I want to be in?

In a word, no. Here’s why: For each class, we evaluate both the individuals and the group as a whole. We look for a rich mix of diversity across multiple areas. We also give great consideration to the strengths and weaknesses of the groups; we aim to select a cohort of people who complement one another so that, even after the program ends, the participants can lean heavily upon one another to continue growing and successfully challenging the status quo of the media industry. Therefore, accepted applicants will be placed into one of three classes at Poynter’s discretion. Under only extenuating circumstances will we move participants around or defer enrollment.

Who is the ideal candidate for the Leadership Academy for Women in Media?

Our program welcomes all women, including cis and trans women, as well as nonbinary and gender nonconforming journalists who are comfortable in a space that centers the experiences of women in media.

This program is designed for those who directly manage people and are within their first five years of formal leadership experience. You can be an early-career journalist stepping into your third year as a manager or you can be a veteran journalist stepping into your first in management — either way, this program was created for you to become a self-aware leader and an effective manager. A cross-discipline understanding of the media landscape is a plus. If you think you could benefit from this program, you should probably apply!

If you are not currently managing people, the Leadership Academy’s spinoff program, Lead With Influence, may be a better program for you right now.

I don’t work for a news company. Can I apply?

Please feel free to apply, but know that we place a priority on journalists who work for news organizations. Freelancers must demonstrate their potential to have a positive impact on the media industry.

Can I apply if I live outside the U.S.?

Yes! The academy is open to English-fluent international applicants. Please note that we don’t have any tuition scholarships available for participants based outside the U.S.

I applied for the academy before and wasn’t selected. Why should I apply again?

If you don’t get accepted the first or even the second time, we encourage you to apply again! We trust our process in selecting each cohort, and we aim for every person to graduate from this program with a close-knit cohort of like-minded but differently gifted leaders to navigate career and life for years to come.

Prior to submitting your application, we encourage you to seek feedback from our alumni. You can find many of them listed with open office hours on digitalwomenleaders.com, a coaching site launched by program co-founder Katie Hawkins-Gaar. We also plan to host a LinkedIn Live during the application period to answer your questions. Dates TBD.

In the application, what do you mean by “an example of a digital project you’ve worked on”?

While we’ve omitted “digital” from the original name of this program, digital work and innovation is no less important.

The project can be anything you’ve worked on, either solo or as a team. This could be a substantial story or series of stories, a website, an app, or anything else in the digital space. In some cases, there may not be one specific final product to point to — you may have coordinated a social media campaign or a real-life event, for example. In that case, explain your involvement and leadership in the project, and your supporting link could be to a hashtag or series of social posts that are a good representation of the work you’ve done.

In addition to looking for an example of your work in the digital space, we’re looking for your self-reflection. Beyond getting the job done, how did the project encourage or teach you to lead? Why was it important? Who benefited? How did it challenge or change the way your newsroom approaches content, community engagement, sponsorship — you name it? We want to see that you understand the importance of your work and the implications of this work to your growth as a leader.

What are you looking for with the letter of recommendation?

We recommend you ask someone who works closely with you who could speak to your demonstrated and potential leadership ability and/or grasp of digital media. While this person does not need to be your direct supervisor, they do need to be someone who can put your management style and leadership capacity into context — not just praising you but also noting where you have opportunities to grow. It helps if this is also a person who can personally impact your career trajectory.

The letter should address these questions:

  1. What can the applicant learn from this seminar that they can later use to benefit others in their organization?
  2. What leadership traits does this person already possess and how can we help the applicant improve their skills?

We suggest sharing our program page so the person recommending you can be fully informed before submitting the letter. We are not, however, looking for a recommendation letter to simply regurgitate the key learnings from that program page.

How long should a letter of recommendation be?

Due to the volume of applications we receive, please keep recommendation letters to roughly one page. You will need to be ready to copy and paste the recommendation (so, no need for fancy letterhead!) when you submit your application.

To whom should my recommendation letter be addressed?

Since a team from Poynter and volunteers from a variety of journalism organizations will be assisting with the selection process, we suggest addressing recommendation letters to the selection committee, without specific names.

Will it help my chances if I submit more than one recommendation?

We commend your enthusiasm. Please remember that we have a large volume of applications, so select your single strongest recommendation to send with your application.

Any other tips for application success?

Don’t forget to take ownership of your accomplishments. Be clear about your contributions and leadership needs/potential as you draft your bio and project description, even if you worked as part of a team. And while bragging about yourself and your successes is important, it’s also helpful for our panel of readers to see how you think you’ll benefit from this intensive training program. This means being honest with where you see opportunities to grow.

Also, make sure to include all application materials when you submit your application, including your headshot and recommendation letter. It will not be possible to add more details via email after you submit the application form. However, if your job title or employer changes after you submitted your application, please do let us know at info@poynter.org.

How much is tuition?

Tuition is $1,300 and covers five days of teaching from prominent faculty, a personalized coaching session after the program concludes,  and networking, including social activities and lunch. Participants receive a facilitated 360-degree review and will work with a certified trainer to review their communication style assessment.

As a nonprofit, Poynter works to keep program costs low and participation accessible to people from all types of media organizations and locations. There is a spot on the application to let us know if you require financial aid.

Worried about asking your employer to contribute to your development through this program? Here are some tips for getting them to say “yes.”

Do you offer scholarships?

Each year, we secure sponsorships and donations to further offset costs. We offer need-based scholarships and travel stipends. There is a spot on the application to let us know if you require financial aid.

How does this program differ from ONA’s Women’s Leadership Accelerator?

ONA’s Women’s Leadership Accelerator was born out of the Leadership Academy for Women in Digital Media, which ONA and Poynter launched in 2015. The end of our two-year partnership ensures that twice the training is available for women, allowing both organizations to help meet demand.

Poynter’s Leadership Academy for Women in Media is a weeklong, in-depth program designed to help leaders with up to five years of management experience move to the next level in their careers. Each academy will include inspiring talks, hands-on activities, candid discussions and networking opportunities all focused on building leadership and management skills. Cohort members will create leadership development plans they can implement as they return to their organization, and they will receive one-on-one coaching after the academy to ensure personal success. An ideal candidate for Poynter’s program is a leader who wants to focus on problem-solving and building a toolbox of practical skills for effective management in day-to-day operations. There are three Poynter academy classes per year, each comprising approximately 30 cohort members.

ONA’s Women’s Leadership Accelerator is a six-month, selective, intensive program that supercharges the leadership and management skills of women and non-binary leaders who are pushing innovation and changemaking in the journalism industry. Participants are often mid-career, mid-to-senior level, and have previous experience managing people and projects, either within an organization or as entrepreneurs/independents. The program helps participants focus on a challenge specific to their careers, advance their leadership skills and learn tools for navigating change. The six-month format aims to provide opportunities for building relationships among cohort members and repeated opportunities for connection, support and future-planning. The Accelerator changes its programming each year to meet the needs of those selected for the cohort, but, typically, it kicks off with a virtual meeting of the selected cohort in the spring, provides support and coaching to participants throughout the spring and summer, hosts an in-person workshop of tailored, immersive programming in early fall, and culminates with a forward-looking virtual workshop in late fall. There is one ONA Women’s Leadership Accelerator class per year, comprising approximately 26 cohort members.

Can I apply to both ONA’s Women’s Leadership Accelerator and Poynter’s Women’s Leadership Academy?

Yes. You can apply to either/both programs and participate in either/both. You can also participate in either/both programs during the same year or across different years. Please Note: This is a change for 2024.

Previously, ONA and Poynter offered very similar programs and coordinated during the selection process to pair participants with the cohort that would be a best fit for them. However, as the programs have continued to evolve, there is enough differentiation in the experiences to separate the application processes.

It will not be considered a positive or a negative for applicants to be participants or graduates of the opposite program while applying. For example, an accepted Poynter participant applying for ONA’s Leadership Accelerator will not be viewed more or less favorably in their application for the Accelerator having completed the Poynter program. This also is the case for ONA Leadership Accelerator participants applying for Poynter’s program.

The Leadership Academy for Women in Media centers the experiences of women and other underrepresented gender identities in media. Participants come from around the world. Tuition is $1,300.

The Leadership Academy for Diversity in Media centers the experiences of BIPOC journalists of all gender identities working for U.S.-based news organizations. Tuition is $500.

Both programs are similar in structure and designed to address race and gender gaps in media leadership.

May I apply for both Poynter Leadership Academy programs?

You certainly can, if you’re qualified for both programs. However, we strive to make opportunities widely available, so we are unlikely to admit any individual into two competitive programs in the same calendar year.

How is the Leadership Academy for Women in Media different from the Lead with Influence program?

Lead With Influence was developed based on the best practices, feedback and application needs of Poynter’s flagship Leadership Academy for Women in Media. The leadership academy is a weeklong, in-person program intended to teach leadership skills to those who are in their first few years of managing people, as well as managers who have never had formal leadership training. Lead With Influence takes place online over four weeks and is intended to teach leadership skills to those who manage products, processes or platforms.

If you are not currently managing people, Lead With Influence may be a better program for you. But this doesn’t mean that you can’t apply for Poynter’s Leadership Academy for Women in Media in the future if, and when, you begin managing direct reports.

If you still have questions after reading this page, please contact info@poynter.org.

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