Change Makers

KOICA supports UNICEF to engage vulnerable youth in Jordan with equitable opportunities, social cohesion, and climate resilience

AMMAN, 8 November 2022 – Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Country Director Mr. Dongsung Seo, and UNICEF Acting Representative, Shairose Mawji, met to formally announce the start of a three-year partnership that will see USD $6 million for the project “Support to Equitable Opportunities, Social Cohesion, and Climate Resilience for Vulnerable Youth and Communities in Jordan as Part of the Humanitarian-Development Nexus”.

The contribution from KOICA will provide much-needed funding to build the climate resilience of communities living in remote and vulnerable areas of Jordan by improving their access to safe water and sanitation. Children and young people will be empowered through climate change education and environment advocacy in climate action clubs. Additionally, the partnership will harness young people’s creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit to support their successful transition to adulthood. Much-needed digital skills enhancement activities will also be offered to vulnerable youth to prepare them for future-ready employment.

“I am delighted to announce that UNICEF Jordan and KOICA are once again working together to support the vulnerable groups of women, youth, children and those with disabilities in Jordan,” said Dongsung Seo, Country Director of KOICA Jordan Office.

“We believe that another success story will be created with the long-established teamwork of KOICA and UNICEF and the participation of the competent Jordanian government and local partners.”

“UNICEF warmly welcomes the continued commitment and generosity of the Korea International Cooperation Agency,” said Shairose Mawji, UNICEF Acting Representative, UNICEF Jordan. “Jordan is already on the frontline of the climate change crisis. This funding will support UNICEF’s efforts to build the resilience of children and young people, who are most at risk, to live in a climate-changed world.”

Last month, KOICA co-supported the Local Conference of Youth Jordan (LCOY), a youth-led event held in advance of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27). Over 100 young people mobilized from every governorate in Jordan attended the two-day event to develop solutions and recommendations for urgent climate action on a national and global level.

A new youth climate leaders programme, ‘Sawn’ (‘to protect/preserve’ in Arabic) was also launched at the end of the LCOY to provide 36 adolescent and youth with the training and skills they need to lead climate action locally and globally over the next year. The young climate leaders will engage 10,000 more children and youth in community-based, environmental initiatives and advocacy.

This project comes as a continuation of KOICA’s support to children in Jordan and around the world through projects such as “Full Realization of Vulnerable Girls and Boys Rights from 2017 to 2020/$6M” which was also a collaboration with UNICEF.

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