Career Growth & Professional Development

Lack of growth opportunities is a big reason why employees leave jobs. Here’s how to change that

To keep top performers, more companies today are developing talent marketplaces, online portals where employees can see current openings, read job descriptions, and understand the organizational hierarchy. These tech tools allow employees to map out their personal career trajectory, said Tim McGonigle, vice president at nonprofit HumRRO, short for Human Resources Research Organization. What’s more, the tools provide organizational transparency, thus fostering inclusion and diversity.

“In the past, employees may have relied [solely] on a mentor/manager to help navigate their careers,” he said. With a career-path system, employees have accurate, up-to-date information to do it themselves.

Career-pathing tools also benefit employees who don’t aspire to be the CEO someday. “It’s good to think in terms of a career ladder but also think of a career lattice—with lateral moves,” Cober said. Companies “can win by showing employees a path to becoming stronger and well rounded,” he said. “It’s important in a world where change is constant.”

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