Advocacy & Policy

LGBTIQ+ migrants face unique risks, starting with the perception that they are second-class citizens – Interview with migrant rights activist Rey Perez Asis from The Philippines

First, we must acknowledge all migrant workers, including those with diverse SOGIESC, as people with human rights. Governments need to acknowledge their existence, respect and promote their rights, provide them equal access to services and justice, and allow them their freedoms to express themselves and their sexuality. When LGBTIQ+ migrants can safely form associations and collectively assert their demands and access protection from all forms of discrimination and violations, it makes for safer, healthier communities. 

It is equally important to increase awareness and education about migrants and LGBTIQ+ rights, from bottoms up – from the community up to those in power. The organisations that are already promoting SOGIESC will be more effective if they include LGBTIQ+ migrants’ perspectives in this work. 

I also call upon LGBTIQ+ migrants to join or form progressive organisations, in which they can not only create safe space for themselves but also actively contribute to addressing the root causes of their insecurity – as LGBTIQ+ individuals and as migrants. 

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