Leadership & Mentorship

Meet London based Sonia Gupta the CEO of “It’s a Sonia Thing – Relationship and Divorce Mentor and Coach,read her Success story here on IWD

Meet London based Sonia Gupta the CEO of “It’s a Sonia Thing – Relationship and Divorce Mentor and Coach,read her Success story here on IWD



Every year, March 8 is celebrated as International Women’s Day across the world to promote women’s rights and honour their achievements across the political, economic, social and cultural spheres.

This day is a reminder of the grit and determination of women all across the world.
There is no force more powerful than a woman’s determination to rise.

Every life begins with a woman. Respect and encourage every woman for what she is. Women, are always respected, loved and appreciated.

Theme for today’s International Women’s Day 2024.
“Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow.”

In Our Entrepreneur of the Year 2024 Series in this Episode we are introducing before you a very dynamic and visionary woman who believes in hard work and because of her good work, she is very popular in UK, London Yes, we are talking about  Sonia Gupta the CEO of “It’s a Sonia Thing – Relationship and Divorce Mentor and Coach.We Hope her Success story Will Inspire you.

Let’s have a look at her successful journey…

Hello Mumbai News:

Could you introduce yourself for our readers?

Sonia Gupta:

Yes Sure,I am Sonia Gupta, from the UK. At 47, I proudly embrace the role of a single mother to two boys, aged 13 and 19. As the CEO of “It’s a Sonia Thing – Relationship and Divorce Mentor and Coach,” I passionately guide individuals through the complexities of relationships and divorce.

Hello Mumbai News:

What Inspired to start your Business.

Sonia Gupta :

The inspiration to start my own business stemmed from my personal experience with divorce. During that challenging time, I felt isolated and lacked the support I needed. This loneliness prompted me to envision a different path for others facing similar struggles.

I realized that divorce often carries a stigma and can be accompanied by feelings of shame or isolation. I was determined to change this narrative and offer support to those navigating through divorce or relationship challenges.

My ultimate goal became clear: to ensure that nobody else had to endure the journey alone. I wanted to provide a supportive and understanding environment where individuals and families could find guidance, resources, and a sense of community during difficult transitions.

By empowering others to navigate their own paths with strength and resilience, I aimed to dismantle the stigma surrounding divorce and create positive changes in households and communities. Every person I could assist in overcoming challenges and finding a sense of peace and empowerment would be a testament to the success of my mission.

Hello Mumbai News:

What Challenges have you faced as a Woman Entrepreneur and how did you overcome them.

Sonia Gupta :

Work-Life Balance: Balancing the demands of running a business with family responsibilities, especially as a single mother, has been a significant challenge. Juggling work commitments with parenting duties required careful planning and prioritization.

Hello Mumbai News:

Tell Something about your Brand and how people can benefit from it.

Sonia Gupta :

As a relationship and divorce mentor and coach, I am driven by a deep passion for helping individuals navigate the complexities of their personal relationships and transitions. I bring empathy, insight, and practical strategies to empower my clients in every stage of their journey.
Through my work, I aim to foster healing, growth, and positive transformation, empowering my clients to cultivate healthier relationships, reclaim their sense of self-worth, and embrace new beginnings. Ultimately, I am committed to helping others build fulfilling lives and thrive in the face of adversity.

Hello Mumbai News:

Where Does your Inspiration come from.

Sonia Gupta :

My inspiration comes from a deep understanding of the emotional complexities surrounding relationship challenges and divorce. Having witnessed firsthand the toll it can take on individuals and families, I am driven by a genuine desire to make a positive difference in their lives.

I am motivated by the opportunity to offer support and guidance to those navigating through difficult transitions. Providing a safe and nonjudgmental space for individuals to explore their feelings, gain clarity, and build resilience is at the core of my mission.

Moreover, I draw inspiration from the transformative power of human connection and resilience. Witnessing individuals overcome adversity, heal, and thrive fuels my passion for my work and reaffirms my commitment to making a meaningful impact in the lives of others.

Ultimately, my inspiration comes from a place of empathy, compassion, and a belief in the inherent strength of the human spirit to rise above challenges and embrace new beginnings.

Hello Mumbai News:

How you balance your professional and personal life .& can you share some tips for women Entrepreneurs to maintain balance between work and family life

Sonia Gupta :

Balancing my professional and personal life can be challenging, especially as a single parent. However, I’m fortunate to have understanding children who help with household chores, allowing us to organize our daily routine and spend quality family time together. Communication is key—I keep an open dialogue with my children about my work commitments and schedule, letting them know when I’m available and making time for important family events. We plan our week in advance, ensuring that family and school events take priority over other commitments. This approach helps maintain a healthy balance between work and family life.

As for tips for women entrepreneurs in a similar situation, I recommend:

1. Communicate openly with your family about your work commitments and schedule.
2. Prioritize important family events and make time for them in your schedule.
3. Delegate household chores and tasks to family members to lighten the load.
4. Plan your week in advance to allocate time for both work and family activities.
5. Don’t hesitate to ask for support from friends, family, or professional networks when needed.
6. Remember to take care of yourself and prioritize self-care to avoid burnout.

Hello Mumbai News

What advice would you give to someone who are aspiring Women Entrepreneur

Sonia Gupta :

For aspiring women entrepreneurs, I offer the following advice:

Believe in Yourself: Have confidence in your abilities and trust your instincts. You have unique strengths and perspectives to bring to the table.

Build a Support System: Surround yourself with mentors, peers, and supporters who uplift and encourage you. Seek guidance from those who have walked a similar path and learn from their experiences.

Take Calculated Risks: Entrepreneurship often involves stepping out of your comfort zone. Be willing to take risks, but do so after thorough research and planning.

Embrace Failure: Understand that setbacks and failures are part of the journey. Instead of letting them discourage you, view them as valuable learning experiences that can fuel your growth.

Celebrate Your Achievements: Take time to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Recognize your progress and use it as motivation to keep striving for greatness.

Hello Mumbai News:

What Women Inspire you.

Sonia Gupta :

Princess Diana & Oprah Winfrey

These women, among many others, exemplify strength, resilience, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Their stories and contributions may serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for you in your own journey as a mentor and coach.

Hello Mumbai News:

What are your Future plans for 2024? Where do you see yourself after 1year.

Sonia Gupta :

In 2024, I envision myself embarking on a journey of global empowerment, traveling the world and speaking at events to inspire women to find their voices. As I continue to share my story and advocate for positive change, I hope to make a meaningful impact in the lives of women everywhere, empowering them to break free from limitations and embrace their true potential.

Hello Mumbai News:

What are 3 Key things that you have learned as an Entrepreneur in 2023.

Sonia Gupta :

As an entrepreneur in 2023, three key lessons I learned are:

Adaptability is Paramount: The business landscape is constantly evolving, especially in the face of global challenges such as pandemics or economic fluctuations. I’ve realized the importance of staying agile and adaptable, being ready to pivot my strategies and offerings to meet changing market demands and circumstances.

Embrace Technology: In an increasingly digital world, leveraging technology has become essential for staying competitive and reaching customers effectively. I’ve learned to embrace new tools, platforms, and digital marketing strategies to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and stay ahead of the curve.

Hello Mumbai News:

Where can our readers find you and keep in touch with you?

Sonia Gupta :

You can connect with me and stay updated on my journey through my Instagram account @_itsasoniathing and my website www.itsasoniathing.com. You can also find me on Facebook under the name Sonia Gupta. I look forward to staying in touch and sharing more empowering stories with you!

Hello Mumbai News:

What hurdle did you face in your business in 2023 and how did you overcome them.

Sonia Gupta :

In 2023, I encountered a unique hurdle in my business that diverged from the norm. Given that my business primarily focuses on divorce-related matters, my family expressed skepticism due to the stigma often associated with divorce. Additionally, there was concern that my work might inadvertently promote divorce, despite my intention to empower individuals, particularly women, to find their inner strength and voice.

Moreover, working with couples contemplating divorce presented its own challenges, as some situations were fraught with hostility and tension. However, I’m proud to share that through consultations and guidance, several clients made the decision not to pursue divorce and instead chose to work through their issues together.

To address these concerns and overcome the stigma associated with divorce, I took proactive steps to clarify my mission and intentions. I emphasized that my goal was not to advocate for divorce but rather to support individuals in finding their strength and navigating through challenging relationship dynamics. By focusing on empowerment, communication, and conflict resolution, I was able to shift the narrative and demonstrate the positive impact of my work beyond just the legal aspects of divorce.

Additionally, I worked diligently to build trust with my clients and provide a safe, nonjudgmental space for them to explore their options and make informed decisions. Through empathy, understanding, and tailored guidance, I was able to successfully navigate through this hurdle and continue making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and families facing relationship challenges.

Hello Mumbai News:

What’s is the USP of your Brand?

Sonia Gupta :

My USP is Throughout my journey, I’ve demonstrated an unwavering determination to break free from the confines of a toxic marriage and reclaim my happiness. Despite facing numerous challenges and societal stigma, I’ve remained steadfast in my pursuit of a better life.

I’ve boldly shared my story with the world, unapologetically celebrating my newfound independence with a divorce party. By opening up about my experiences, I’ve sparked meaningful conversations and inspired others who may be silently struggling in similar situations.
I’ve taken a stand against the taboo surrounding divorce and have empowered others to prioritise their own happiness. By challenging societal norms, particularly within the Asian community, I strive to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for those seeking to break free from unhealthy relationships.
My story serves as a beacon of hope for anyone navigating through the darkness of toxic relationships. By emphasising the importance of self-empowerment, resilience, and pursuing happiness, I aim to instil a sense of optimism and possibility in others facing similar struggles.
In essence, my USP lies in my journey of transformation, my willingness to share it with authenticity and vulnerability, and my dedication to advocating for positive change within my community.

Hello Mumbai News

Memorable day or Moment of 2023?

Sonia Gupta :

One of the most memorable moments of 2023 for me was undoubtedly my launch party in September. It was a culmination of all the hard work and dedication I had poured into my journey of self-discovery and empowerment. From feeling trapped in a marriage with no support to finally breaking free and reclaiming my independence, the launch party symbolized a complete turnaround in my life.

As I stood there surrounded by friends, family, and supporters, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude for how far I had come. It was a moment of recognition for the emotional journey I had embarked upon and a celebration of the strength and resilience that had carried me through.

But more than that, it was a testament to the power of transformation and the possibility of rewriting one’s own story. From feeling shackled by circumstances beyond my control, I had emerged as a beacon of hope and empowerment for other women facing similar struggles.

Looking around at the faces of those who had stood by me through it all, I felt a deep sense of pride in the woman I had become and a renewed sense of purpose in my mission to empower others to break free from the chains of their own limitations.

In that moment, surrounded by love and support, I knew that the journey was far from over. But with each step forward, I was filled with a newfound sense of hope and determination to continue making a difference in the lives of those around me

Rapid Fire:

Hello Mumbai News:

Favorite places, Actor, Actress, Person Food?

Sonia Gupta :

Place – Caribbean ,

Actor / Actress:Amir Khan , Kajol,


Favourite Quote?

I love the person I’ve become because I fought to become her.

Hello Mumbai News:

What if you were given the power to change one thing from the world what would it be

Sonia Gupta :

If given the power to change one thing in the world, I would strive to eliminate inequality in all its forms
Ultimately, eliminating inequality would not only improve the lives of millions but also foster greater harmony, cooperation, and prosperity for all humanity. It’s a foundational step towards building a more inclusive and sustainable future for generations to come.

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