Career Growth & Professional Development

New guide offers insights to business on employing people with disability in the Asia-Pacific region

BANGKOK, Thailand (ILO News) – The International Labour Organization has launched a new guide on the inclusion of persons with disabilities for employers in Asia and the Pacific.

EmployAbility: Tapping the potential of persons with disabilities in Asia and the Pacific – A guide for employers, is an update of an ILO document first published in 2007. It provides recommendations for introducing and strengthening disability-inclusion measures in hiring, employment, training, and career advancement strategies.

Using real-life examples of successful company practices, the guide cites the growing body of evidence that inclusive policies not only enhance the reputation of businesses as corporate leaders but boost profitability.

“The business case for making workplaces inclusive has never been stronger. This guide is an invaluable resource for businesses seeking to enhance their operations, reputation and profitability. Every organizations can benefit by tapping into the huge reservoir of potential workers with disabilities that exists in the Asia and Pacific region,” said Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa, ILO Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific.

Emphasizing the vital role of senior leadership in building a culture of inclusion, the guide offers advice on promoting disability awareness in workplaces, developing disability inclusion policies and underscores the crucial role of fostering the employability of job seekers with disabilities through skills development and training.

“Workers with disabilities constitute a valuable and underutilized talent pool,” said Joni Simpson, non-discrimination specialist with the ILO. “However, their access to inclusive workplaces continues to be a challenge, particularly for women with disabilities and those facing further marginalization. This guide can help companies looking to make their workplaces more inclusive – and it provides examples of enterprises in the region making considerable progress.”

The guide also catalogues relevant resources in the region, including the ILO Global Business and Disability Network and national business and disability networks.

The guide has been updated with the support of the European Union through the Responsible Supply Chains in Asia Programme, a joint ILO-EU-OECD initiative to promote responsible business conduct and socially responsible labour practices in supply chains in the Asia-Pacific region.

For further information please contact:

Peter Forster
RSCA Programme Communications Officer

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