Advocacy & Policy

Qatar’s influential women in diplomacy and global advocacy – Doha News

A look at influential Qatari women who have not only contributed to Qatar’s global standing but also championed various humanitarian and cultural causes.

The United Nations’ International Day of Women in Diplomacy puts a spotlight regarding the pivotal role played by Qatari women in shaping their nation’s diplomatic landscape on a global scale.

Doha News explores several distinguished women who have not only enhanced Qatar’s international standing but also championed significant humanitarian and cultural causes worldwide.

These women exemplify leadership and commitment, contributing to diplomacy through their advocacy and initiatives that promote global cooperation and understanding.

Sheikha Moza bint Nasser

Sheikha Moza has been a champion of education around the world. [Instagram/ Mozabintnasser]

As the chairperson of Qatar Foundation, Sheikha Moza bint Nasser stands out as a global advocate for education.

She founded the Education Above All Foundation (EAA) in 2012 which has since provided a vital lifeline for students forced out of their classrooms globally due to crises and conflict. 

Last April, EAA and the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) signed a five-year agreement aimed at providing more refugees and out-of-school children with access to education. The Qatari entity announced the agreement following the success of a previous one that enrolled more than 1.6 million children across 14 countries in schools since 2012.

Sheikha Moza’s proposal for September 9 to be recognised as the UN International Day to Protect Education from Attack stands as a testament to her dedication in safeguarding educational institutions in conflict zones.

In 2010, EAA launched the Al Fakhoora programme following deadly attacks in the Gaza Strip, which was named after a school in the Jabalia refugee camp that was targeted by Israeli tank shells in January 2009. 

The programme rebuilt educational facilities destroyed by previous Israeli attacks while providing children and youth with much-needed psycho-social support following the traumatic Israeli 2008-2009 offensive.

As UNESCO Special Envoy for Basic and Higher Education from 2003 to 2023, Sheikha Moza’s influence has extended far and wide. Her appointment came in recognition of her global commitment to education.

Her founding of Silatech in 2008 addressed youth unemployment in the Middle East and North Africa.

Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad Al Thani

Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad Al Thani

Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad Al Thani is the chairperson of Qatar Museums and a significant figure in cultural diplomacy.

She founded the Doha Film Institute (DFI) in 2010 to promote Arab cinema and to preserve the region’s storytelling traditions.

Sheikha Al Mayassa is also the chairperson for Reach Out to Asia (ROTA), which she founded in order to equip young people with the educational tools to create a sustainable future.

Her co-chairmanship of Fashion Trust Arabia and initiatives like Qatar Creates have bridged cultural gaps, fostering international understanding and appreciation.

Recognised as the most prominent Arab woman and recipient of the Arab leader’s medal for 2023 by the Arab Development Council for Women and Business, Sheikha Al Mayassa’s leadership in arts and education has placed Qatar on the global cultural map.

She has often described her work as breaking down “the walls of ignorance” and going beyond building bridges between the East and West.

Sheikha Hind bint Hamad Al Thani

Sheikha Hind

As vice chairperson and CEO of Qatar Foundation, Sheikha Hind bint Hamad Al Thani has played a crucial role in advancing educational initiatives.

Her involvement with the Governing Council of Interpeace, an international organisation focused on peace-building, serves as a testament to her commitment in fostering global harmony.

Lolwah Al Khater

Source: MOFA Qatar

The Qatari official, who was appointed as Minister of State for International Cooperation in 2023, has been a prominent figure and at the forefront of Qatar’s diplomatic efforts.

Her tenure as Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and spokesperson for the foreign ministry reflects her significant role in shaping Qatar’s international relations.

A staunch supporter of the Palestinian cause, Al Khater has vocally condemned Israel’s occupation and genocide in Gaza.

On November 26, Al Khater became the first high-ranking Arab official to enter the besieged Palestinian enclave since the start of Israel’s genocidal on October 7.

She has led global humanitarian efforts, including critical evacuations in Gaza, Sudan, and Afghanistan, along with her mediation role in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif Al Thani

Source: MOFA

Serving as Qatar’s Permanent Representative to the UN since 2013, Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif Al Thani has been a vocal advocate for justice and accountability on the global stage.

As Qatar’s first female Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva and the World Trade Organization, Sheikha Alya has paved the way for future generations of Qatari women in diplomacy.

She was nominated as a Young Global Leader to improve the state of the world by the World Economic Forum in 2013.

Hend Al Muftah

[Twitter/ IPUparliament]

Since 2022, Hend Al Muftah has served as Qatar’s Permanent Representative to the UN office in Geneva.

Her appointment to the Shura Council in 2017 marked a historic moment, as she was among the first four women to hold this position in the Gulf country.

Al Muftah has since brought Qatar’s strong diplomatic stance into the global spotlight, advocating for international cooperation and understanding.

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