Health & Wellness

SAAC, NAMI To Host Mental Health Awareness Challenge From May 1-8

ITHACA, N.Y. – The Cornell Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) has partnered with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Finger Lakes for a department-wide Mental Health Awareness Challenge from May 1-8 as part of Mental Health Awareness Month. You can choose to participate in a challenge or donate to those already committed to participating.
Tax-deductible donations made by family, friends and fans will help NAMI Finger Lakes provide free education, support and advocacy for families impacted by mental health conditions, and to build a community in which every individual is treated with dignity and respect.
How can I partner with NAMI Finger Lakes for this event?
The NAMI FL Challenge can help you share why mental health is important to you. Get ready to choose your challenge and share your message of hope!
To kick off Mental Health Awareness Month, you can choose a challenge to complete, share your goal and message of hope with people in your community who care about mental health.
Walk a mile or run a 5K in your neighborhood, on a treadmill, move on wheels or even in your imagination. Beat your personal record or join your team in getting some shots up, hitting some serves, shooting goals, or jumping hurdles! Challenge your friends to jump, move, read, knit, run, skate, swim, dance, sing or listen to music. YOU choose your challenge and spread a message of why mental health is important to you.
Reach out to friends and family to ask them how they’re doing and encourage them to talk about mental health. Be sure to share NAMI Finger Lakes free mental health support and education services, available at (namifingerlakes.orgWhatever talent or skill you choose to share for your challenge, you’ll be sending a message of hope at a time when we all need it most.

What Do I Need To Do?

It’s easy! Sign up and declare your challenge. Complete your challenge with your family, or friends, or alone – and be sure to share your progress and achievements on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok using hashtags #dontbearitalone #mentalhealthf4all @namifingerlakes @saac_cornell 


On the Event page, there are two options- Community or Cornell Community signup. Anyone can do either, but choosing will help highlight efforts of Cornell Students/Faculty/Staff who participate.


This event will be open during the entire week of May 1-8, so you’ll have plenty of time to complete your Challenge. FREE Registration is now open to help you share and build support to meet your challenge goal.


We’re so grateful for your generous support of NAMI Finger Lakes. We look forward to seeing your completed challenges in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month. Your challenge goals help NAMI Finger Lakes give help, hope and support to families impacted by mental illness in our community and beyond. Hope we can get more of the Cornell Community to sign up! If there are any questions, please contact Rachel Bonnet, women’s track & field, or Catherine Dyevich, women’s rowing, for help!

Sunday, May 1, 10:30 AM

Join us for our Mental Health Awareness Month Challenge Kickoff-

Register at and hop on zoom to hear brief opening comments, learn about NAMI Finger Lakes, talk about mental health, and ask questions about the Challenge event. Let’s kickoff this event with a conversation about mental health! 


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