Change Makers

Survivors of rape in conflicts share their inspirational stories to help other women

The network – which supports women in 14 countries – grew out of the Dr Denis Mukwege Foundation, which has been working with survivors of rape and sexual violence, initially in the Democratic Republic of Congo and then around the world.

Nidia and Esperande travelled to London this week to be at the event, where the theme was changing the culture of violence against girls and women. 

Nidia is a 43-year-old mother of two from a region of Colombia that was affected by the armed conflict. She was a victim of sexual violence by FARC guerrillas and then became a community leader.

On stage at the Theirworld event, she said: “My life experience, and my leadership, have committed me to work, now and always, for the rights of women, to prevent sexual violence and for the construction of peace at home and in the country.”

Esperande said: “Sexual violence is a major strategy that has turned rape into a weapon. The victims and survivors have their bodies mutilated and broken. We are stigmatised and cast out in our community.

“These atrocities occur on a massive scale, impacting societies in addition to severely damaging victims. Those who have perpetrated sexual crimes seem to be exempt from blame.”

Backstage after the event, Nidia and Esperande talked in more depth about their experiences and their journey towards coming to terms with their experiences and being able to help others.

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