Career Growth & Professional Development

Tips to reduce your digital carbon footprint

“Make sure that they are sized to be how they’re going to be displayed,” he explains. “For example, a lot of times people will take images directly from their iPhone, which are incredibly high resolution. What you’re doing is putting a gigantic, massive image on a page and just shrinking it down while still requiring users to download the image. Which makes the site slow.”

When creating your own website, Minn suggests leveraging built-in computer fonts and avoiding custom fonts. Going with a darker theme can also help reduce your digital footprint.

“A lot of screens actually use more power to effectively light up the pixels that render lighter colours, so if you have a darker background, your site will then use less energy,” he explains. 

During your daily social media consumption, consider using “data limit usage” settings on your smartphone, scheduling app downtimes, and turning off automatic app refresh. These tips can help you use less data, save battery life, and promote the reduction of digital carbon footprints. 

(Header image courtesy: NicoElNino/iStock/Getty Images Plus. Creative #: 1383854915)

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