Tech & Digital Empowerment

Unilime Foundation empowers 50 youth in vocational skills for economic independence

The UNILIME Foundation has successfully trained 50 individuals in various vocational skills during their 9th annual outreach program at Glefe, a fishing community in Accra last Saturday.

The training, which included sessions on setting up businesses, self-empowerment, and digital literacy, aimed to equip participants with the tools needed to step out of their comfort zones and establish self-reliance.

Economic Empowerment

As part of their commitment to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 8, which focuses on decent work and economic empowerment, the Foundation provided training in the production of liquid soap, hair cream, dettol, and after-wash products.

Flt Lt Kwaku Osei Owusu Appiagyei, the National President of UNILIME Foundation, highlighted the organization’s dedication to conducting annual outreach programs across the country. This year’s outreach, held in Accra, marked the climax of the Foundation’s 10th-anniversary celebrations, and the decision to organize it in the capital city was a gesture of gratitude to the place where the vision was initially conceived.

Given that Glefe is a fishing community, the Foundation specifically chose this location to offer training in diverse entrepreneurial skills, aiming to contribute to the economic stability of the community.

Flt Lt Appiagyei stated, “VOCTECH is our flagship program, so anytime we embark on our outreach program, we organize vocational training for those in rural areas to be economically empowered.” He urged participants to take the training seriously, emphasizing its potential to secure better job opportunities for them and their families.

Underscoring the importance of the initiative, the President highlighted that it serves as a means to address the high unemployment situation in the country by creating more job opportunities for the youth. He further called for financial assistance and partnerships from the government, NGOs, philanthropists, and other organizations sharing a common goal.

Health Sensitisation

As part of the activities for the Outreach, the Foundation orchestrated a health sensitization program for the community members.

Leveraging the expertise of the president, who is a health professional, a specialized health education session was conducted on the physiology of the kidney and the associated diseases.

Emphasizing the pivotal role of the kidney as a vital organ with multifaceted functions in the human body, the president underscored the necessity of avoiding injurious agents. These detrimental factors include alcohol, unprescribed drugs, smoking, dehydration, unhealthy food, excessive salt intake, among others.

The participants expressed gratitude for the insightful education received, as it equipped them with knowledge on maintaining optimal kidney health.

The UNILIME Foundation remains committed to fostering economic empowerment and creating lasting positive impacts in communities across the country.

UNILIME Foundation is a non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Ghana. The organization’s primary mission is to empower vulnerable and marginalised communities through education, entrepreneurship, and leadership development.

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