Innovators & Creators

Women at the Forefront of Tech Transformation

By Rashmi Chandrashekar

Delving into the annals of technology’s journey, one is inevitably struck by its remarkable evolution. From its humble inception to the awe-inspiring advancements of today, the trajectory of technology is truly extraordinary. Ironically and unironically, women have had a journey of their own within this narrative, mirroring the advancements seen in the tech world. Starting from times when women were confined to the domestic sphere and fast-forward to now when women now constitute a more significant portion of the workforce than in previous years. Today, women aren’t merely keeping up; they’re taking the lead, propelling innovation, and influencing the industry’s trajectory – standing alongside their male colleagues.

It’s safe to say that organizations have finally realized that in an industry characterized by complexity, disruption, and perpetual change, the most successful businesses are those that bring varied viewpoints and backgrounds to confront every new challenge.

Diversity, Creativity, and Innovation: A three-legged tool 

Diversity, Creativity, and Innovation – Just like a three-legged stool, these elements support each other, forming the cornerstone of progressive and forward-thinking companies. Among them, there’s one element that stands out as the hero, without which neither of the other two elements can flourish.

Diversity, the first leg of this triad, holds the utmost significance as it lays the groundwork for the existence of the other two components. When organizations embrace diversity, they open the doors to a wealth of perspectives, experiences, and ideas. Imagine a room filled with people from different walks of life, each bringing their unique insights to the table. It’s this diversity of thought that sparks creativity and fuels innovation.

One of the key dimensions of diversity is gender, and the inclusion of women in leadership positions is paramount. Historically underrepresented in boardrooms and executive suites, women offer a fresh lens through which to view challenges and opportunities. Their unique perspectives, shaped by their experiences and insights, bring a richness to decision-making processes that is unparalleled.

Moving the Needle Towards True Equity

While women have made significant strides in tech, they remain underrepresented in leadership positions. A recent survey on gender diversity highlighted the stark reality: 71% of women expressed a shortage of female leaders in their organizations. This gender gap is not just a statistic; it reflects systemic challenges that persist in the industry, hampers diversity, and stifles innovation and growth. To address this disparity, organizations must proactively recruit, retain, and promote women in tech. This implies that organizations must embark on a transformative path driven by innovation and inclusiveness. The first crucial step is implementing tailored strategies championing women’s career development. Mentorship programs, leadership training, and flexible work policies are the cornerstone of this effort, providing women with the tools and support they need to thrive in the tech industry.

But that’s just the beginning. Organizations must go above and beyond by cultivating a culture of inclusivity and support—a culture where women feel valued, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential. These initiatives aren’t just nice-to-haves; they’re absolute must-haves for any organization committed to diversity and excellence.

Yet, despite these efforts, the journey towards gender equity in tech leadership is a collective effort. It requires unwavering commitment from both organizations and individuals alike. Leaders must take the helm, championing diversity and inclusion initiatives at every turn. Meanwhile, employees must become advocates for change, actively supporting and promoting gender equity in their workplace.

Ultimately, celebrating women in tech goes beyond just one day of recognition; it’s about acknowledging the inherent value they bring to the industry every day. Women are not just a checkbox on a diversity initiative; they are drivers of innovation and progress. Organizations that recognize and empower women are thriving in today’s competitive landscape, shaping the future of technology.

Innovation and progress reach their zenith only when embraced by the diverse and invaluable perspectives and voices of women. Their absence leaves the world bereft of its most potent source of transformative potential. As we progress, let us continue celebrating and empowering women in tech, ensuring a future where innovation knows no bounds.


(The author is  Rashmi Chandrashekar, Global Director – DXC Security, DXC Technology India, and the views expressed in this article are his own)

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